Vladstudio.com {free desktop wallpapers, web design, web applications, user interface engineering, identity & graphics, skins, icons, logotypes, and more}
Published on September 25, 2001 By vlad In WinCustomize News
Happy Birthday SoftshapeArt! After months of domain searching and weeks of developing, SoftshapeArt is now ready to offer your desktop my best wallpapers! You will probably notice that the site traffic is low at the moment. I will be advertising SoftshapeArt as soon as I have time. Meanwhile, feel free to tell your friends, your family and your pets about SoftshapeArt!

Please follow the URL: http://art.softshape.com
on Sep 26, 2001
Nice looking site... I added a comment on their page that had some Adobe wallpaper, referring visitors to the following site: http://www.boycottadobe.com